Hello & Welcome,

I have loved all things food for a long time - always curious and in awe of chefs and food producers. How they're able to take a simple, humble ingredient and turn it into something that creates pleasure, connections and memories - I have this sort of ever present Chef crush.

Being part of Master Chef 2019 just grew the fire in the belly and as the Master Chef double doors closed, my dream door opened, which is here, where I want to share my love of all things food and my passion for fermenting.

Welcome to my kitchen, where I celebrate and share my love of ferments and food with you. I want to share what I know and hopefully show just how easy and exciting it is to incorporate ferments into your everyday cooking, while continuing to learn along the way with you. I know you will love it and so will your gut.

There’s a whole bunch of stuff to share with you here, so lets head into my kitchen.

Mandy Hall